Write A Java Program To Demonstrate Use Of string Class Methods
: chatat(), contains(), format(), length(), split()
In this, we will create a java program which show the use of chatat(), contains(), format(), length(), split() methods of string.
Here's a program in java that defines a string and show the use of its different methods.
public class StringDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { // Using charAt() method String str1 = "Hello World"; char ch = str1.charAt(6); System.out.println("Character at index 6 in string " + str1 + " is: " + ch);
// Using contains() method String str2 = "Java is a programming language"; boolean result = str2.contains("programming"); System.out.println("Does string " + str2 + " contain the word 'programming'? " + result);
// Using format() method String str3 = "Harsh"; int age = 18; float height = 5.7f; String formattedString = String.format("My name is %s, I am %d years old, and I am %f feet tall.", str3, age, height); System.out.println(formattedString);
// Using length() method String str4 = "This is a test string"; int length = str4.length(); System.out.println("Length of string " + str4 + " is: " + length);
// Using split() method String str5 = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"; String[] words = str5.split(" "); System.out.println("Words in string " + str5 + " are:"); for (String word : words) { System.out.println(word); } }}
Character at index 6 in string Hello World is: W
Does string Java is a programming language contain the word 'programming'? true
My name is Harsh, I am 18 years old, and I am 5.700000 feet tall.
Length of string This is a test string is: 21
Words in string Java Is Programming Language are:
In this program, we use the string class methods charat(), contains(), format(), length(), and split().
The charat() method is used to get the character at a specific index in a string.
The contains() method is used to check if a string contains a specific substring.
The format() method is used to create a formatted string using placeholders and arguments.
The length() method is used to get the length of a string.
The split() method is used to split a string into an array of substrings based on a delimiter.
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